An absolute shoutout to my fiancé for inspiring this cake! She’s so mature and playful at the same time.


 250g butter
 200g dark chocolate
 1 ½ cup sugar
 1 cup milk
 1 tbsp vanilla essence
 1/3 cup whiskey
 1 ¾ cup cake flour
 1 tsp baking powder
 ¼ cup cacao powder
 ½ tsp salt
 2 large/XL eggs
 ½ cup boiling water
 ½ cup castor sugar
 ½ cup whiskey
 100g butter
 400g icing sugar
 1 tub (230g) cream cheese
 1-2 tbsp whiskey/vanilla essence 


 1. Preheat the oven to 170°C and place the oven rack in the middle.
 2. Prepare a bunt cake tin with non-stick spray. Spray generously! (Tip 1)
 3. In a medium pot, heat together the butter, chocolate, sugar, milk, vanilla and whiskey. Once the   
    mixture is melted and smooth, remove it from the heat and allow to cool down for 10 minutes.
 4. Pour the mixture into another large mixing bowl (preferably glass) to speed up the cooling 
 5. Sift the dry ingredients over the wet ingredients and whisk until just combined.
 6. Add the eggs and whisk until well combined and smooth.
 7. Pour the batter into your prepared cake tin and bake for 40-45 minutes until the cake is set 
    (Tip 2).
 8. Remove the cake from the oven and allow to rest and cool down for 15 minutes inside of the cake 
    tin before loosening the sides and demoulding onto a cooling rack.
 9. Pour the syrup over the cake and allow to cool down completely (Tip 3).
 10. Decorate the cake with your icing and store at room temperature (Tip 4).
 1. In a small pot over the stovetop, stir together all the ingredients over low heat until the sugar 
    has dissolved. 
 2. Increase the heat and allow the mixture to boil until the liquid reduces to a third of the 
 1. In a medium bowl, cream the butter with an electric mixer until light, fluffy and pale. This is 
    the most time-consuming step.
 2. Add the whiskey to the creamed butter and whisk until just combined. 
 3. Add the icing sugar, one tablespoon at a time, until well combined and creamy.
 4. Add the cream cheese and mix until just combined. 
 1. If you don’t have a bunt cake tin, you can use a regular round cake tin, or even two tins to 
    create a layered cake. Be sure to prepare these with wax paper as well.
    You can make cupcakes from this recipe as well and bake them for 20-25 minutes.
 2. Due to the texture of the cake, the cake should just be set. If a cake tester comes clean out of 
    this cake, it’s overbaked. 
 3. Place the cooling rack over a tray before slowly pouring the syrup over the cake. 
 4. A butter cake dries out when stored in the fridge. You can place the cake in the fridge for an 
    hour after decorating to allow the icing to firm up a bit, but then you should remove the cake and 
    allow it to reach room temperature before serving.