My Story

A very warm welcome!

I’m that Afrikaans, countryside girl who loves the kitchen. Actually, I might be a bit obsessed. This is where I work and play at the same time. Where I explore as much about baking as I do about myself.

Sometimes I listen to loud music in the kitchen, having a dance move or two while the mixer does its thing. Other times I enjoy the peace and quietness that allows me to just be. And sometimes nothing goes according to plan.

We, as bakers, spend hours in the kitchen for a reward that lasts only seconds.

“Wow, it’s so beautiful!”

“What a masterpiece!”

“It’s so delicious and moist.”

“How did you make this?”

“You need to share this recipe with me.”

“You truly have a gift.”


I repeat, only seconds. But still, we do it wholeheartedly!

“Why do you enjoy it so much?”

The motivation for my baking obsession used to be that I had nothing else to keep myself busy with over holidays (due to the lack of entertainment in the Karoo). But I recently discovered that passions and talents are no mistake. Baking is my love language through which I express myself to family and friends. It’s how I serve. So that’s my why; Love!

I believe that it’s time to share what I’ve been exploring, testing and creating. You are invited to join in and share on this platform. I would love to learn from you as well. Let’s go!