A celebration of tropical fruits, ideal for the hot summer days! I’m very loyal to a baked cheesecake, but these fruits asked for a fridge cheesecake.


1 packet of Tennis biscuits
1 packet of Marie or Digestive biscuits
150g butter, melted (Tip 1)
pinch of salt

3 x cream cheese tubs (230g each)
¾ cup castor sugar
1 tsp vanilla essence
pinch of salt
15 tinned or fresh litchis (Tip 2)
1 packet of jelly; litchi or granadilla flavoured (80-100g)
2 tbsp hot water
1 cup cream (cold; Tip 3)


1. Crush the biscuits until fine, then add the butter and salt and mix until well combined.
2. Press the biscuits onto the bottom and sides of a springform cake tin (21-23cm) or any dish of your choice. Refrigerate until needed.

1. In a large mixing bowl, using an electric mixer, whisk the cream cheese until smooth and fluffy.
2. Add the castor sugar, vanilla and salt and whisk until well combined.
3. Place the litchis in a food processor or anything that can puree the litchis. Blend until smooth.
4. Dissolve the packet of jelly in the hot water. Add this jelly mixture to the litchi puree.
5. Fold the litchi puree into your cheesecake mixture.
6. In a medium bowl, using an electric mixer, whisk the cream until medium peaks form. 
7. Gently fold the cream into the cheesecake mixture until well combined.
8. Pour the cheesecake mixture into your prepared cake tin, cover with plastic wrap and place into the fridge.
9. Refrigerate overnight until set. You can add granadilla pulp, chopped litchis or any toppings you will enjoy onto your cheesecake.
1. If your mixture isn’t wet enough to stick together, add some more butter. 
2. You can use fresh or tinned litchis. Just remove the pits and shells when using fresh ones.
3. If your cream isn’t cold enough, it won’t stiffen when you whisk it. Make sure to use refrigerated cream. Always be careful to not overwhip your cream, it’s a matter of seconds.