I couldn’t resist starting with this childhood favourite! This is one of the first treats I made by myself and also the first recipe I wrote down in my little cookbook.
Unattractive but absolutely delicious, hence the variety in names, but let’s be safe and go with CHOCOLATE, OATS AND COCONUT COOKIES.


20-25 Cookies

125g butter
500ml sugar
125ml cacao
125ml milk
2,5ml salt
5ml vanilla essense
750ml oats
250ml dessicated coconut


1. Prepare a baking tray with non-stick spray and set aside.
2. Add the butter, sugar, cacao, milk and salt to a medium pot. 
3. Heat this mixture until it starts to boil. Boil for about 1 minute.
4. Remove the mixture from the heat and add the vanilla, oats and coconut. 
5. Quickly stir in the dry ingredients and start forming the cookies onto the baking tray, before the mixture starts to cool and set. 
6. Allow the cookies to cool completely and transfer to an airtight container. 
1. The longer you boil the mixture (before adding the vanilla, oats and coconut), the harder your cookies will dry out. 
2. I use two spoons to form the cookies. Spoon the mixture with one spoon and scrape it off onto the baking tray with the other spoon.